Parent Reviews

Parent Reviews

I have never met a more positive or impressive individual than Grainne O’Reilly. She handles herself with a professionalism only few will ever realize to accomplish. She is a selfless woman with infallible integrity and a drive that is as impressive as it is resounding.

As a testament to Grainne’s character, the parents of 60+ children, worked together tirelessly to build a platform for their children to be under Grainne’s directive and vision as an educator. Grainne O’Reilly’s influence on my family will forever define the very bar of what excellence, commitment, and personal resolve stand for.
–B. Horan

We have two daughters being educated under Grainne O’Reilly’s vision – one in Kinder and one in first grade. Our children are being taught that they are citizens of the world and are cherished and loved by the staff beyond measure.

Something unique about children being led by Headmistress, Grainne O’Reilly is that no matter how many children are in her care… she knows them up and down within just a few days… sometimes hours. She instantly connects with ALL of them, regardless of their personality type. She truly has an open door policy, her intentions are clear… she is there for the children.
–S. Carson

My daughter has been under Mrs. O’Reilly’s academic guidance for the last seven years. Not only has she excelled academically, but socially and emotionally she exhibits confidence, excitement for learning, understanding of complex situations and a self-awareness beyond her years.

As pleased as I am for the influence she has had on my child, I can truly say I am a better parent from having the benefit of her wisdom and incredible insight into children and how they learn. Being with Mrs. O’Reilly and in her schools is the best gift I could ever have given my daughter.
–D. Carolan

There is no place I’d rather educate my child than under Mrs. Grainne O’Reilly’s loving guidance! Kudos to the faculty and staff! Thank you for all that you continue to do! We are so fortunate and proud to have you leading our children!
–A. Rogers

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